It’s been a long time since I a book grabbed me. I remember how I was reading Gone Girl along with everyone else. My hands glued to the book poolside. It was enjoyable for a few hours. That enjoyment came to an unsatisfying end. My husband is that type of person who you can’t stop blurting out who he thinks the bad guy is at the start of every crime, drama, mystery whether on TV or print. For print, he just has me read the back cover and then he decides the killer. At the end of Gone Girl I gave out an exasperated “No! What?”. The hubby had guessed. He says he surmised the bad guy. It was that obvious. That ruined the memory of Gone Girl for me. You can imagine watching TV with him especially for someone like me who loves crime/mystery/drama. Sometimes he walks into a room with his guesses and I have to tell him I am watching a comedy. There is no bad guy. He says “there is always a bad guy.” The main program is you starting reading. Then you encounter something you don’t know about and you start grabbing your phone to google to learn more. From that moment on you stopped reading and have started googling. Then how to get back into the book. I even came up with a rule where I would not buy a new book until I finished whatever book I read or decided I would never read the book and gave it away or donated it to the library. It still doesn’t work to get me reading the book. It just helps me not buy anything new. The best books I got have always been recommendations so please send me your reading suggestions. I want to be gripping tha novel. For it to take me away from the news, from my iPhone and from the very day.